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Help PSCD's collaborative work to build and support sustainable, vibrant communities by making a contribution to the Tanzania Partnership Program.

Funding the Mswakini School Feeding Program

The goal of this program is to help alleviate hunger among students at Mswakini Primary School in rural Tanzania by providing them with a free daily lunch. This fund is managed by MSU students in partnership with the the Tanzania Partnership Program (TPP), Mswakini Primary School, and the Mswakini community.

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In the summer of 2019, a team of TPP study abroad students from Michigan State University, Dar es Salaam College of Education (DUCE), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), and the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) conducted engaged research on education issues with the Mswakini community. While working at Mswakini Primary School, the team noticed that most children went the entire school day without eating. They learned from the Mswakini community that the school used to provide a daily free lunch to all children, but a lack of surplus food among village households caused the program to end. Through a workshop with Mswakini community members, the 2019 study abroad education research team was able to support the re-initiation of the Mswakini Primary School's feeding program. MSU student members of the 2019 education research team continue to partner with TPP, Mswakini Primary School, and the Mswakini community to support a sustainable free lunch program for all students.Education research team with Mswakini Primary School students

To help support MSU students’ efforts to ensure students at Mswakini Primary School have the nutrition they need to undertake their daily activities in and outside of school, please donate on MSU's secure online giving system. One hundred percent of your donation will be spent in-country on food and cooking supplies for the Mswakini Primary School Feeding Program.

Gifts may also be made by mail, with either a check or a credit card number, or by phone. Please make checks payable to “Michigan State University” and include “TPP - Mswakini Primary School Feeding Program” on the memo line. Checks should be sent to:

University Development
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824

Or make your contribution over the phone: 800-232-4MSU or 517-884-1000.

Be sure to check whether your company offers a matching gift benefit. Many companies will match, double, or even triple charitable gifts made by employees or retirees.

Support the Tanzanian Partnership Program

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Show your support for the Tanzania Partnership Program (TPP) by making your contribution with MSU’s secure online gift giving system. Through MSU's online gift processing system, gifts can be made in an easy, fast, safe and cost-effective way. This credit card-based system reduces paperwork and saves time. As a safety precaution for our donors, the online gift processing system authorizes your transactions in real time. We do not record or keep your credit card information on site.

Gifts may also be made by mail, with either a check or a credit card number, or by phone. Please make checks payable to “Michigan State University” and include the Tanzanian Partnership Program (AP001049 - TPP General) on the memo line.

University Development
University Advancement
Spartan Way
535 Chestnut Road, Room 300
East Lansing, MI 48824

Or make your contribution over the phone: 800-232-4MSU or 517-884-1000. For more information about making a gift to TPP, contact Sarah Blom.

Be sure to check whether your company offers a matching gift benefit. Many companies will match, double, or even triple charitable gifts made by employees or retirees.
