The Tanzania Partnership Program is the first initiative of the Partnerships for Sustainable Community Development. TPP's institutional partners include the Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Michigan State University (MSU), Sokoine Agricultural University (SUA), and the University of Dar es Salaam Institute of Resource Assessment (UDSM-IRA). TPP’s international partners play a critical role in building in-country relationships and contribute a depth of knowledge and expertise on important research and development issues. Together, the TPP partners form a vital alliance with the ability to address a broad range of challenges to achieve sustainable livelihoods at the community level. These organizations may be joined by additional organizations as community needs warrant.
Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE) was established as a constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam in 2005. The college was established to address an acute shortage of teachers and experts in the education sector as a result of the expansion of primary education enrollments through Primary Education Development Programme and the creation of the new secondary schools through Secondary Education Development Programme. This shortage was most acute in the areas of science, mathematics, and language education. DUCE links teacher training and curriculum development efforts to village schools.
Sokoine University of Agriculture began as an agricultural college in 1964. SUA was elevated to university status in 1984. The vision of the university is to become a center of excellence and a valued member of the global academic community in agriculture and other related fields, with emphasis on impacting practical skills, entrepreneurship, research and integration of basic and applied knowledge in an environmentally friendly manner. The university's research motto is to encourage multi-disciplinary research for sustainable development and the alleviation of poverty. The university's four faculties, two colleges, two institutes and two centers are dedicated to advancing knowledge in agriculture, forestry, sustainable rural development, the environment, and veterinary medicine.
As the oldest and largest university in Tanzania, established in 1966, University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) brings to the program a highly skilled collection of faculty in nine colleges and five institutes. The Institute of Resource Assessment (IRA) is a research institute at the UDSM focused on natural resources and environment, water resources, population and human settlement and agriculture systems. IRA serves as TPP’s in-country office and houses its administrative unit and in-country staff.