Milola Education Projects

Teacher Training Programs

DUCE Interns at Milola Secondary

DUCE teacher at Milola Secondary

Like many schools in Tanzania, Milola Secondary lacks qualified teachers for key subjects; the school has not had a math or physics teacher since it opened in 2015. TPP began working with Lindi District in 2017 to allow students from DUCE to fulfill their teaching practicum at Milola Secondary. Student teachers spend eight weeks teaching subjects like chemistry, physics, mathematics, and language. The lack of materials at Milola Secondary, such as no science equipment or lab, introduces the DUCE students to the challenges of teaching in a rural, resource-poor school. Together with experienced local teachers, district education officers, and TPP partner faculty, DUCE students participate in problem solving and learning exchanges to pilot new strategies to engage students.

Leadership Trainings

Milola teachers sitting in a classroom for a training

TPP has conducted five leadership trainings in Milola schools since 2012. The first was a two-day workshop on school leadership and management. The second workshop took place in 2013, lasted four days, and reviewed teaching skills and primary school curricula with teachers. A follow-up training took place in 2014, lasted five days, and covered topics such as cooperative learning and student assessments. The fourth training in 2015 reviewed skills for effective school management, planning, and communicating with school management teams. During the fifth workshop, primary and secondary teachers attended two respective week-long professional development workshops.

Early Childhood Teacher Trainings

Pre-primary teachers at a Montessori training

In 2013, two Milola pre-primary teachers attended an Aga Khan Foundation workshop on developing teaching materials and integrating traditional culture into teaching. In 2014, the Ngwenya pre-primary teacher completed a three-week Montessori Intensive Workshop in Dar es Salaam.